My photos — on display for the benefit of the world.

Posts tagged “forest

The North Woods

We just returned from visiting my Dad and Step Mom up in the North Woods of Wisconsin.  As always I took a pile of photos.  This will be the first post of several from our mini-vacation.

For those of you that follow my blog you are probably familiar with my inner conflict regarding “hero photos” versus subtle mood setting photos.  If you aren’t familiar with what I mean by “hero photos” check out these posts to see what I am talking about:  here, here, and here.  I love a hero photo when I have one to post, but I grow to hate them when I haven’t shot one in awhile.  The beauty of subtle mood setting photos is you don’t have to wait around on magnificent light or an unusual meteorological event.  You can go out and try to capture the mood no matter what the light.  Getting this kind of photo is almost 100% up to the photographer and not dependent on special circumstances.   That’s not saying that a mood setting photo is easy to get.  In fact, a mood setting photo takes lots of thought and practice on the part of the photographer.  Fortunately since these kinds of photos can be shot anywhere, anytime you have ample opportunity to practice.

Enough said…  Here is my attempt to bring you the feel of north woods of Wisconsin with out aid of magical light or piles of spare time

Ella in the Woods

We spent six days at the cabin in the North Woods of Wisconsin.  This was Ella’s first summer visit.  I took lots of photos.

Ella-gravelOur woodland fairy — it’s not Photoshop  — it’s fill flash


Peeking from behind a large red pine

Ella-WagonRadio Flyer through the forest


This is Ella’s “Give Me! Give Me!” face.  Her grandpa was holding a handful of sticks above her head.  Throwing sticks off the dock was her favorite activity.


Grandpa helps her pick a dandelion.  Seconds later Ella squeals with glee as she hurls the flower into the lake.